Day 168 Jesus gets angry! Matt 21: 10-17; Mark 11:11; Luke 19:45-46

Guided reflection:

There is a piece of me that is pleased to know that Jesus had a fit of anger in the temple when he saw the temple used as a market place.  Remember yesterday’s lament over Jerusalem?  This next event is all a part of the same day… he has just cried over Jerusalem and now finds that the temple folks are using the temple as another place to scam the people – making them pay for their sacrifices!  They are missing the whole point!  Then, when he heals the sick and the temple folk get mad at him, he is at his limit!  Maybe this is “the passion” of Jesus! What makes you angry?  Do you think Jesus is angry over the same things you are angry? 

Guided Prayer:

“Help me be righteously angry about the things that make you angry, O God, instead of my pettiness and competition with others.  Forgive me the places I have misused your gifts for purposes that do not match your heart.  Help me to be more like Jesus. Amen” 

Day 167 Jesus Predicts the Destruction of Jerusalem Luke 19:39-44

Guided reflection:

            Can you hear the cry of disappointment Jesus has over His people of Jerusalem?

“O that you knew the things that make for peace”.   I imagine, in my heart’s ear, hearing a similar cry from the throne room in heaven even today.   Jesus had hoped that the people of the day had realized that God was revealed right there in front of them… but they did not.  In 70 AD, destruction of Jerusalem did happen….even today, there is sorrow in Jerusalem.   But for us, have we ignored the ways of peace and have chosen to ignore them?

Guided prayer:

O Dear God, are you trying to get my attention today?  Where am I ignoring you?   Where are the ways of peace before me and I am not getting it?  Show me the way…Let peace begin with me.  Amen.”

Day 166 Jesus enters Jerusalem Matt 21: 1-9; Mark 11: 1-10; Luke 19: 28-38

Guided Reflection:

This begins what we call “holy week”… Jesus enters Jerusalem and neither he nor the rest of the world will ever be the same.  All of his disciples – a multitude of disciples, Luke calls them – felt the air of excitement.   The city is ready for a holiday; the Romans have beefed up security; the temple taxes are sky high; the people need hope, they need the Messiah!  Jesus is riding into town like a king, ready to overthrow the political and religious leaders of the day… or so it seems.  In just a few days, Jesus is going to dash those hopes because their hopes were too small.  With what part of this Palm Sunday parade do you most identify?

Guided prayer:

“I understand the hopes of the people for someone to take them out of their current messes.  O God, most of my prayers are really “help me, God!” prayers, but help me to trust your plan over my own desires.  More than anything, I desire your will in my life.  Amen” 

Day 165 Jesus’ parable about investments Matt 25:14-30; Luke 19: 11-27

Guided Reflection:

This is the one story that points out that we are to cooperate and use our minds and networks for good… we are not victims.  It is up to us to take what God has given us and work with it, embellish those gifts, and just see what God and we can accomplish together!  I once prepared a sermon about a possible 4th servant… what if there was one who was given an amount, he invested it, worked with it and still lost it all.  Would he have been a hero or tossed out?  I believe it is not the bottom line Jesus is looking for, but for us to cooperate with Him in using our gifts and opportunities to do His will.

Guided Prayer:

“Lord, where am I hiding and wasting what you have given me?   Where can I invest myself and all that I have to make a difference in this world? Thank you for knowing my heart, even if it looks like I have failed.   Show me the way.  Amen” 

Day 164 Zacchaeus Like 19: 1-10

Guided reflection:

The Zacchaeusstory is only told by Luke. What a great story of redemption.  Zacchaeus is a man hated by his neighbors because he has worked for the Romans and cheats them all in the process.  But he has one of those inquiring minds that wants to know… he wants to see Jesus!  But being ignored by those around him and being a short person, he climbs a tree to see Jesus.  Jesus stops right under the tree and calls him by name… and invites himself to a party.  Zacchaeus’ life is transformed – once the opportunist who used others for his own gain, now  used what he had to help others.  Isn’t that just like Jesus?   Have you ever been, or you know persons that are, a Zaccheaus today?  Where has Jesus turned your heart around?  Have you been transformed by Jesus?

Guided Prayer:

Loving God, where I am like Zacchaeus in my life?   What do you need to change my heart and my point of view?  Am I an opportunist?  Allow me to make the most of opportunities to serve you by loving others.  Amen” 

Day 163 Bartimaeus is healed Matt 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18: 35-45

Guided reflection:

            Have you noticed that these last few days, all three of the gospels have included these stories? 

These days must have made a powerful impact!   I love this story – a man sees his chance to be healed and starts yelling at Jesus… others are embarrassed and try to shush him, but he would not be shushed!  He was so close to a possible miracle, he would not allow the opinion of others to keep him for his miracle!  Then, Jesus hears him and asks “what do you want me to do for you?”  “Heal my sight!  I want to see!”  And Jesus did… and he rejoiced… and all the others rejoiced… what a day!  If Jesus came close to you today, how would you respond to the question: “What do you need from me today?”

Guided Prayer:

            “Jesus, today this is what I need from you:  ____________________________”

 (Be gut honest as you fill in the blank from your heart’s point of view.) 

Day 162 Momma’s boys! Matt 20:20-28; Mark 10:35-45; Luke 22: 24-27

Guided reflection:

Every mother wants what is best for her children, but the mother of James and John took this to a new level – she asked Jesus to command that they sit on the right and left side of him in Jesus’ kingdom.  Now, of course, she is thinking of an earthly kingdom where a king had his best men beside him… but Jesus’ kingdom was not of this earth.  She had no clue that she was really asking that they participate in his suffering.  He nailed her when he said the greatest would become the least and the least would become the greatest… in HIS book, the greats did not have special seats, but are on their knees, serving others.  I wonder, did she go away aggravated that Jesus did not grant her wish… did she go away sad, knowing that the story was going to include suffering?  This is why we offer our children to God at Baptism… His ways are not our ways!

Guided Prayer:

O Loving God, I want to be special too!  Help me to match my heart with your heart… help me know that I will be great when I lose my desire for it and begin to serve others as Christ would serve.  Amen” 

Day 161 Prediction of the Death of Jesus Matt. 20:17-19; Mark 10:32-34; Luke 18: 31-34

Guided Reflection:

All three of the gospel writers include this short passage that shows that Jesus tried to tell the Disciples that they were going to Jerusalem with a particular assignment.  Jesus does not say “I am going to die”, but uses a phrase he often used to describe himself:  “The Son of Man” .  It is in hindsight that the gospels were written, but here is where he clearly tells them what is going to happen and the end result.  But they did not grasp what Jesus said.  I wonder, would I have understood what Jesus was talking about?  It would not have even entered my mind to accept what Jesus was saying.  I do so love it that the gospels show the real humanness of the disciples.

Guided prayer:

“Thank you, Lord Jesus, for going to the cross on my behalf… and for rising from the dead for me.  I know I am so much like those disciple – slow to learn, hard to teach.  But, Lord, keep showing me the way, even if the way gets rough sometimes.  Amen” 

Day 160 The Parable of the laborers in the vineyard Matthew 20: 1-16

Guided reflection:

This parable has always made me uncomfortable because I have focused on the unfairness of the owner’s pay scale!   The owner of the vineyard was never home, he was always out looking for more folks, so maybe the story is about the owner’s heart that wanted as many to work as they could…that way the work was done and all had what they needed.  You see, God does not give us what we deserve… God always gives us more and wants all included!  That is what grace is about – unmerited favor!  This is one of those “abundance vs. scarcity” parables – there is enough for everyone!

Guided Prayer:

“Thank you God, for finding a place for all of us to work and be of value.  Thank you for being more concerned about including us all than in what is fair or unfair..  Thank goodness you do not give me what I deserve!  Thank you for your love and grace to me.  Amen”

Day 159 The Rich Young Man Matt 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:-30

Guided reflection:

A driven, successful young man has the chance to speak to Jesus.  He wants to do everything right - but Jesus turns what he holds as truth, upside down!  The young man believes that if you watch your behavior and do all the right things, you will get into heaven… and be successful along the way!   But Jesus must have sensed a hint of a compulsive do-gooder in this young man and tells him to give away all that he has.  It says he went away sad… but we do not know whether he eventually figured out that his stuff was not as important as loving people, I hope he did.    Jesus explained to the Disciples that those who are rich in earthly things have a harder time facing their need of a savior – they think can handle it!  But, Jesus adds : “Nothing is impossible with God!”     Always a word of hope can be found!

Guided prayer:

“Loving God, are there things in my heart that I have placed too much importance?  I know you want me to be a responsible person, but do I think I can handle it all on my own?  Do I think that my stuff is a measuring stick for my worthiness?  Help me see past my stuff and find your heart. Amen”