Day 158 Jesus Blesses the Children Matt 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18: 15-17

Guided reflection:

Babies and little children were a nuisance to the disciples… they wanted them out of sight and out of mind, but Jesus had another way of looking at children.  Like the chorus, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world”.  That is why I like to make a big fuss about babies – the first time they come to worship, when they are baptized, when they go to Sunday School, when they sing their little songs… Oh, the joy of little children.  They are filled with promise and potential.         

Guided prayer:

“I love to know that Jesus would have hugged and kissed me as a baby… and would want to hold my babies close.   But now that I am grown, Loving God, help me keep my heart and mind open in the innocence and wonder of a little child.  Help me give my inner child a chance to influence the way I look at the world and all ofyour children.  Amen”    

Day 157 Marriage and Divorce Matt 19: 1-2, Mark 10: 1-12

Guided reflection:

As a women who wrestled with divorce and dysfunction, I read a book about this scripture with the question in my heart: is there grace for persons who leave to become more whole?  The author said that it was never God’s plan for marriage to end in divorce… but neither was it God’s plan for us to live in dysfunctional situations… that is why Moses made the concept of Divorce… to offer grace when life falls short of God’s dream.    Sometimes our reality falls short of God’s dream, but never short of God’s grace.  But, obviously, ending a marriage is not something to do lightly.

Guided Prayer:

“Dear God, help me to do all within my power to live as whole and loving as possible with my spouse.  If there are places of deep pain, will you come and make us whole?  Help me to know that your love and your grace is bigger than I am.  Amen”     

Day 156 The Pharisee and the Publican Luke 18: 9-14

Guided reflection:

When do spiritual disciplines become empty rituals?  I try to discipline myself in my spiritual growth with prayer and meditation, devotionals, worship, tithing, intentional reaching out to the poor… when do I becomelike the Pharisees in this parable?  Maybe it is our motivation behind our lists – one is to be intentional about staying in love with Jesus… the other is to make myself look good and worthy.  When the sinner man beat his breast and prayed “God be merciful to me a sinner”, it came from a broken and honest place… while the prayer of the Pharisee came from a proud and arrogant place.   Have you ever felt pleased with yourself for all your good works?  Have you ever humbled yourself and faced your sin and asked God to forgive you, just as you are?   

Guided prayer         

            “God, be merciful to me… me, a sinner… one who stands in the need of your grace.  Amen”

Day 155 The Unjust judge Luke 18: 1-8

Guided reflection:   

Is Jesus saying that if we keep praying, that our much praying will make God

respond because we will wear him out?   Or is Jesus saying that an unrighteous judge would do that, but God is not like that, won’t a loving God respond to our cries?   When it is my time for Christ to come for me, will I be found faithful?   

Guided Prayer:

                 “Loving God, hear my prayer.  Listen to what my soul needs to say today_______

                 (what do you need to say?)  Hear my prayer, O Lord.  Amen.”        

Day 154 The Day of the Son of Man Luke 17:22-37

Guided reflection:

This passage continues the conversation of yesterday’s readings.  Jesus goes back over their Jewish history and reminds them that there have been pivotal times when, at a moment’s notice, something happened.  Jesus wants us to be ready – at any time and any place – for God to act... or for that matter, for life to happen!  Jesus’ point:  “If you try to hold on to life in fear, you will lose it.  If you live life in a sense of expectancy, holding it loosely, you will be ready to respond without regret.

     Guided Prayer:

“Am I ready, Lord? What if this was my list day – would I have regrets?  Show me where I can make strategic change to live life, holding it loosely, each day as a gift.  Amen.”  

Day 153 On the Kingdom of God Luke 17: 20-21

Guided Reflection:   

For the Jews of Jesus’ day, the coming Kingdom was something everyone

anticipated – but did not really expect to happen on that day.  The messiah would come… so when folks asked Jesus his thoughts on the subject, he surprised them by saying it is not a future contemplation, but a present reality!  And, it is not that kind of physical kingdom, but a spiritual one.  Do you look to the future for God to come into your life, or do you see that God is here ..right now?

Guided Prayer:

“Ever present God, help me drop my fantasy of you in my future and help me come to face the reality that you are an ever present help in times of trouble, my present source and my present strength.  I do not have to wait for heaven; you are with me right now.  Thank you.  Amen” 

Day 152 Jesus Heals 10 Lepers Luke 17: 11-19

Guided reflection:  

This is the perfect Thanksgiving Day gospel lesson.  Lepers were outcasts and not

allowed near others lest they infect innocent people.  These l0 outcasts begged Jesus to heal them… and he did!  They went rushing back to the priest to have their ban lifted… and one stopped… turned around… and ran to Jesus.  “THANK YOU for healing me and changing my life!” and Jesus not only healed him, but restored what the leprosy had eaten away.   Funny, yesterday Jesus said we were to do things without thanks… but when we offer genuine, grateful thanks, Jesus opens even more to us.  Have you stopped to thank God for your blessings?  

Guided Prayer:

Today, make an inventory of your grateful heart.  Stop and offer thanks to God for each.  Then consider how God has shown love to you through the lives of others – who cooked your breakfast?   Who delivered your paper… your mail?  Who waited on you at lunch?  Who sacrificed so you could eat today?  May this list be your grateful prayer. 

Day 151 A Servant’s wages Luke 17:7-10

Guided reflection:   

This story is hard for us to comprehend because we do not treat people as

Servants; but in Jesus’ day, a servant put the needs of his master before his own needs… and thanks was not necessary.  I think Jesus wants us to face the “it’s all about me – look at me, I am being so faithful – wonderful me” mentality.  Have you ever been ticked that you worked at a mission project and no one gave you thanks?  Did you do it for Jesus or to get recognition? We do not need rewards for doing what is expected of us.  We are faithful because we have offered ourselves to be God’s humble servants.   Jesus is not focusing on God’s response, but ours. 

Guided prayer:

“Well, Lord, it does feel good to know we are being the hands and feet of Jesus… but help me be willing to be faithful even if it does not feel good… even if no one says ‘thanks’.  Loving God, show me where I think I am doing things for you but really, it is all about me.  Forgive my self centeredness.  Amen.” 

Day 150 The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31

Guided reflection:

Is this a story of lack of compassion; of regret; of missed opportunities?   Is this a story of the hereafter and our “just rewards”… do we get what is coming to us?    Is this a story to jolt us into making sure we care for those around us while we have the chance?  Or, could this also be a story whose punch line is about why Jesus came… from the other side, the Father’s heart, to come and dwell among us, so, if we will listen, we would know the way to eternal life?  Will we be smart enough to listen?   Where are you the rich man… where like Lazarus?

Guided prayer:

Open my eyes to see opportunities around me to show your love.  If I have a time to be like Lazarus, may I find comfort in your arms.  But help me be willing to listen and pay attention, lest I find myself with no more opportunities.  Help me know that this is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing.  May I make the most of every opportunity!  Amen!” 

Day 149 The Hypocrisy of the Pharisees Luke 16:14-15

Guided reflection:

Yesterday’s reading continues with the Pharisees’ response.  They laughed and scoffed.  But Jesus looked at them and said: “Oh, you make sure you look good to everyone else, but God knows your hearts.  You are way off base on what is important in God’s eyes!”   What about you?  Do you think you have everyone fooled? God knows.  Is there a place where you need to get honest with God?

Guided prayer:

O God, why do we have to get so honest… can’t I just keep making everyone happy… what they don’t know won’t hurt them, will it?  What will it mean to “come clean’ with you?  There may be places where I am not ready to do your will yet… but don’t give up on me.  Amen.”