Week of July 22


Dear heavenly Father, how we thank and praise you for the young men and women who have trusted in the Lord Jesus as their Savior and we ask that You would work in the lives of all young people who have stepped out in faith in the Son of God. 

Draw ever closer to those who have made a commitment to You and we pray that they would grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus in the days that lie ahead. May they learn to walk in spirit and truth and to trust in Your word, knowing that Your grace in sufficient for all their needs and requirements.   Amen

Monday –Luke 12:22-34,  Do Not Worry

Do not worry about what you will eat?  Seriously?!?!  Sometimes it may sound like Jesus is callous, but nothing could be further from the truth.  Jesus is reminding us that without our heavenly father, we’re nothing.  We’re missing something we desire and need.  For where our treasure is stored, there will be our heart’s desires.

Tuesday –Hebrews 10:19-25,  Building Each Other Up

The regular meeting and gathering with other believers is something that shouldn’t be neglected.  We all know examples of people who have fallen away because of their choices.  Who could you reach out to and re-invite back to the body of Christ?  Who may have done the same for you?

Wednesday –I Peter 3:8-22,  Sacrificing for the Kingdom

I don’t know about you… but suffering is not my preferred Wednesday activity. ;-)  Yet today’s scripture is a careful reminder of God’s calling for us.  We’re not called to “play it safe” or “ride out to pasture in retirement and faith.”  We all have important Kingdome work to do.  Where’s God calling you today?  How can God use you?

Thursday –Matthew 5:1-12,  A Different Kind of Blessing

Jesus calls us to join a radical kingdom. He gives us a radical vision to match, that the kingdom of heaven infiltrates our present. We can continue fishing for people, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom at great cost to ourselves, fighting oppressive powers in Jesus' name. We can suffer for the sake of Jesus and the gospel, with the assurance that God has the last word. When we see people receiving the word of God, and finding healing and freedom in Jesus' name we can announce, "the kingdom of heaven has drawn near."  

Friday –Galatians 5:16-26,  Changed Hearts

Today, take a moment and stop to focus on God. Ask Him to guide you to know if you have walked away from your close relationship with Him. Return to your quiet time with Him reading His Word, praying for closeness and guidance, and walking from that quiet time with His Spirit guiding you. Focus more on being in relationship with God and less on doing. Your relationship with God and with other people will be renewed so that you follow the two greatest commandments as Jesus said in Matthew 22:36-38.

Saturday –Luke 5:12-15

We can and should follow Jesus’ example. Make prayer a high priority in your life! Use time alone with God to build your relationship with Him.  I love my quiet times with God in the morning.  Do I have a quiet time every morning?  No, I miss some mornings.  But normally I take 20-30 minutes each morning to read the Word, pray and enjoy fellowship with God.  I believe these times have a cumulative effect; over time, they build my relationship with God gradually.  Make Prayer an important part of your life.