Day 116 Conversation about Elijah Mark 9: 9-13, Matt 17:9-13

Guided reflection:

After Peter, James and John were on the mountain top and saw Jesus talking to Elijah and Moses, they were rather quiet, wondering what they had just experienced.  Jesus calls it a “vision” and to not tell anyone until he has been raised from the dead, but they probably did not get what Jesus said.  As a matter of fact, when they ask about Elijah and the prophecy that he was to return, Jesus implies that Elijah already returned.  They took that to mean that John the Baptist was Elijah in return.  Remember, John the Baptist is heavy on their minds because he had just been beheaded.  Can you just imagine what they were thinking… one minute miracles, the next talk about death… the next minute John the Baptist is beheaded… then they see a vision with Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah…one minute a high and the next a low?  Have you ever been disappointed that your walk with God included times of questions and times of doubt?  That is all part of it!

Guided prayer:

“Holy God, we do not always understand this journey of discipleship.  Sometimes I feel full of joy and hope… and then I find that following you involves taking up a cross too!    Help me to know that questions and doubts are all a part of the disciple making process…. But remind me again that you are not anxious.  You know and you care and you are with me.  Amen”