Week of Nov 3rd

Nov 3-9, 2019

Heritage/Legacy Sunday

Passing on our legacy of faith is like running a relay race.  Each of the runners runs their best race.  Then they pass the baton on to the next runner.  If the runners have difficulty exchanging the baton, it will slow down the runners.  If they drop the baton, the race is over.  How do we pass our faith on to the generations that follow us?

Prayer:  God whose grace extends from before the beginning to long after the end:  You are God from generation to generation.  I am grateful for those who have gone before me and have shared their heritage of faith with me.  Teach me how to pass the baton of faith to the generations who follow in my footsteps.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

MONDAY- Deuteronomy 4:1-10

The book of Deuteronomy is positioned as Moses’ last words to the people of Israel before Joshua led them into the Land of Promise.  These become memorable words, sacred teachings.  In this passage Moses reminds them of what they had seen in the past.  Those who remained faithful lived.  Those who abandoned the faith didn’t survive.  What does Moses want them to do with these experiences?  (See vss 9 & 10.)  How do you pass this legacy of faith on to others?

TUESDAY – Joshua 4:1-7; 19-24

The people of Israel crossed the Jordan River into the Land of Promise in a manner that was just as miraculous as crossing the Red Sea.  What happened?  Check out chapter 3.  What did they do to remember this miraculous crossing?  Who was responsible for this miracle?  To whom were they supposed to pass this heritage of faith?  What stories or memorials do you have in your legacy of faith?  How do you pass those on to other generations?

WEDNESDAY – Psalm 78:1-8

The Psalm writer answers three questions:  1) To whom are we called to pass on the mysteries of faith in God. See vss 4-6.  2) How are we to pass on those mysteries? See vss 2-3.  3)  Why are we called to pass on those mysteries?  See vss 7-8.  How do we answer these questions today?  To whom are you passing the baton of faith?

THURSDAY- 2 Timothy 1:1-7

Paul is writing to one of his young assistants.  Likely Paul is imprisoned in Rome at this time.  We sense this may be his last correspondence with young Timothy, if not his last correspondence to anyone.  Perhaps Paul is contemplating how he has passed on the baton to Timothy and others.  What does he do for young Timothy?  See verse 3.  Where did Timothy learn the faith?  See verses 4 & 5.  How does Paul encourage him?  See verses 6 & 7.  How do we pass the baton of faith today to the generations that follow us?

FRIDAY – Hebrews 11:32-12:2

This chapter is sometimes called the “Hebrew Hall of Fame.”  The writer names many who kept the faith in difficult times.  And there are many more.  By the end of the chapter, the writer cannot identify all the names.  But we are given examples of the dangers and disasters they faced.  I am haunted by verse 39.  These people endured sufferings far beyond my experience.  They kept the faith, but they did not receive the promise God had for them.  God chose to delay that promise so I could be blessed by their legacy of faith.  Their mission is complete in you and me.  We are the promise they have not yet received.  As we have been blessed by their legacy, how do we pass the baton of faith on to the generations that follow us?  See 12:1-2.

SATURDAY- 1 John 1:5-2:2

Traditionally, we believe these letters were written by the Apostle John late in his life.  He regarded his readers to be like his children.  He was committed to passing his faith on to them.  What does he teach them in this passage?  What is the action of God towards them?  What does Jesus do for them?  How do we pass this faith on to younger generations today?