Questions and Answers about Indoor Worship

What will LCUMC’s worship offerings and times be? 

We will continue to offer our dedicated online worship service at 8:30 AM in the morning. Beginning 3/28/2021, our Outside Live worship service will be at 11:00 AM. The time for indoor worship will move to 9:30 AM. Both worship services offer a mix of traditional and contemporary elements. 

Will RSVPs be required for indoor worship? 

Yes. All individuals and families will be asked to pre-register to attend worship as we begin. This will occur via our CCB online database. If you are receiving our bi-weekly newsletter, then we have your current email address and you will receive the registration link on Tuesday of each week. If you don’t receive the newsletter but have an email address, send your email and your full name to to be added to the email list. If you don’t have internet access, please contact the church office. We will not be taking reservations over the phone except for those who do not have access to the online registration. 

What is the maximum capacity for indoor worship? 

Our current capacity for indoor worship will be 80 adults. Capacity for youth and children’s ministries are detailed in their respective guidelines. If we are at maximum capacity and someone without an RSVP arrives, they will be directed towards our online worship service or RSVPing for another worship service. We can also transmit the service to your car radio on 90.1 FM if you would like to listen in the parking lot. If we find that demand significantly exceeds available seating, a second indoor worship service may be made available in the future. 

What can we expect when we arrive for indoor worship? 

A member of the LCUMC safety team will be present at entrances to the main building to open the door for you. Because of our programming offered and the unique nature of our campus, there will not be designated entry and exit points, but please maintain proper social distancing of six feet of separation while indoors. Every other row will be marked for seating in the sanctuary and cafe. You will be asked to seat yourselves as families or as individuals observing social distancing guidelines.  

Will masks or facial coverings be required at indoor worship? 

Yes. All who attend indoor worship will be expected to wear a mask or facial covering in accordance with state guidelines that mandate masks or facial coverings at any public, indoor location that is not a residence. Churches are not exempt from this mandate with the exception of those individuals leading worship. Masks will be made available on behalf of the church for those who have need. Wearing our masks limits the spread of Covid-19 and other viruses and is a sign of love and care for our neighbors as we resume worshipping together indoors. 

What will be different about indoor worship? 

To help prevent and slow the spread of Covid-19, we will be limiting congregational singing and calls and responses. Hymnals and paper products will be removed from the seating areas. There may be a soloist or small ensemble or a video presentation to provide music each week. Additionally, there may be different elements of worship that may be new for you to help us connect with God and one another through worship. Although we know there are public health guidelines that may limit some of our common worship elements, we can still find new ways to experience worship together that we hope will be meaningful and inspiring. 

Will we collect an offering? 

Yes. Offering baskets will be placed near the entrances/exits so that you can leave your offering with us either before or after the worship service. We are thankful for your continued support of our church and its ministries. 

Will any refreshments be offered? 

No refreshments will be offered at indoor worship at this time. We ask that you also please refrain from bringing food or drink into the sanctuary. Attendees will be asked to try to keep their time in the building as limited as possible before and after the service to reduce possible exposure.  

Will hand sanitizer be made available? 

Yes. Hand sanitizer will be available at entrances to the building and the sanctuary as well as outside the restroom area. 

What cleaning protocols will be in place? 

The church building will be cleaned by a team of volunteers before and after each worship service, both for online and indoor worship. 

Will there be children and youth programming? 

Yes. There will be spaces available for nursery, Sunday School, and youth at our 9:45 indoor worship service starting November 1st. These spaces are limited and available by RSVP only. If Delaware County is at a Level 3 or Level 4 (red or purple) risk of exposure, there will be no children’s or youth programming. The state’s public health advisory system is typically updated on Thursdays so please stay alert for communication from the church if we open or close children and youth programming for a particular Sunday depending on the public health advisory level.  Please note that at Level 4 (purple) churches have been advised by our bishop to suspend all in-person worship and group meetings and meet exclusively online. Please see the below chart for a helpful visual on our Sunday morning offerings in relation to the public health advisory level for Delaware County.  


What can families expect for our children and youth programming? 

Please see our full guidelines for a walkthrough and details. Please also note that the RSVP process for adults and children are together. If you are a family who is interested in having adults, youth, and children attend, you must RSVP for all persons attending worship. 

Is there anything else we need to know about indoor worship?

We thank you for your grace and patience as we come back indoors to worship together and continue to work out the logistics therein. We are excited to return to our sanctuary to be able to build on a blessed summer of outdoor worship. Although worship will look and feel a little different as we return indoors, God’s presence remains with us, God’s grace sustains us, and God’s love gives us hope.