Week of December 30th

Now that Christmas is over, we can go back to our usual routines, right?  Or can we?  Can life ever be the same when we have encountered the heights, the depths, and the breadth of God’s grace?  Does the good news of Christmas have hope for our daily dilemmas?


O God of gracious gifts, guide me to encounter your presence of grace throughout the year.  In the name of Immanuel, who is always with us, Amen.

Monday – Matthew 2:1-12

It may have taken up to two years for the wise men to arrive in Bethlehem.  Likely they were not there the first Christmas night.  That is commitment.  Their encounter first with the star and then with the infant Jesus changed their lives.  Verse 12 indicates they returned home by a different route, but I ponder if they also returned home different men.  How has Christmas changed your life?

Tuesday – Matthew 2:13-18

Christmas did not mean they lived happily ever after.  Life still happens, but God was with Mary and Joseph in the midst of danger.  The required trip to Bethlehem, the narrow escape to Egypt, and the return to Nazareth; these were not likely their plans in the beginning.  Immanuel:  God is with us.  How has God delivered you in the midst of life’s challenges? 

Wednesday – Matthew 9:9-13

Jesus calls Matthew, whom we believe composed the book bearing his name.  Matthew does not reveal many details, but he responds immediately.  He leaves behind his tax-collecting business to follow Jesus.  This is a radical change, but one that leads to a life of significance and mission.  How has God called you into a life of significance and mission?

Thursday – Matthew 9:18-26

A tale of two women healed by Jesus; one who had been sick as long as the other had lived.  But Jesus is drawn by compassion to both of them.  In God’s scheme of things, everyone is important.  God gives grace and hope and salvation to everyone!  Who have you and I overlooked in our daily routine that could use a word of healing, of encouragement?

Friday – Matthew 9:27-31

Ever had eye surgery?  I had a cataract removed several years ago.  What an amazing transformation!  I can’t imagine what it was like for Jesus to heal someone who was blind.  Would that change one’s life?  When we encounter Jesus’ grace, we see everything more clearly.  What is it that Jesus’ grace can help you to see more clearly?

Saturday – Matthew 9:35-38

The purpose of Christmas is not just for us to feel warm and fuzzy inside.  The purpose of God’s grace walking in our shoes is to reveal salvation for a hurting and lost world.  And for whatever reasons, God often chooses the least likely people to carry out this mission.  God has chosen you and me and many others to carry that message of hope.  Who will you encounter today that needs hope?