Day 172 The Parable of the Wicked Tenants Matt 21: 35-46; Mark 12: 1-12; Luke 20: 9-19

Guided reflection:

Read the Matthew passage, it has the fuller story.  Jesus, of course, is saying that the Pharisees are the wicked tenants – they have been given the chance to be in God’s vineyard, yet they take advantage of others and even kill the son… predicting what they plan to do with him.  Jesus is predicting that their influence in the kingdom is taken away from them for their wickedness.    Matthew ends this portion by saying that the Pharisees seemed to get it that they were the brunt of Jesus’ stories, but could Jesus be speaking to us too?   God has blessed us with so much… have we taken advantage like the tenants and not been faithful with what God has shared with us?  Our gifts?  Our Family?  Our influence?  Our green earth?

Guided prayer:

“OK, Lord,  I know that I squander what you have given me and sometimes I think that all you have share with me is really mine and you are not a part of the scheme of my life.  Forgive me for my arrogance.  Remind me again that I am living for you. Amen.”