DAY 48 Jesus and the Golden Rule Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31

Guided reflection:

 Now, this is one you have learned from your childhood…”do to others as you

want them to do to you!”  However, I think we live more like “do to others before they get the chance to do to you!”   Right now,  with whom are you frustrated or angry?  How do you treat those who cause you harm?   Are you treating others the way you wish folks would treat you?  Aren’t you glad that Christ does not give us what we deserve – he gives us love!

Guided Prayer:  “O merciful God, forgive me, I do not live out this verse as I should.  I pay so much attention to getting even, I forget that you do not go after me every time I disappoint you – you offer me love and grace.  Help me to be more like with when it comes to the way I treat others.  Amen”