Day 248 Jesus and Peter are reconciled John 21: 15-219

Guided reflection:

I am so glad that John included this story.   Peter remembers he denied Jesus – three times!  Three times Jesus asks him if he loves him…. And Peter responds you know I do!  By the third time, Peter is broken… but Jesus keeps calling him… then Feed my sheep, feed my lambs.   I think Jesus is saying, Peter, I know you messed up, but my love is greater for you than your screw ups!  You are forgiven!  You are set free! AS a matter of fact, there is more to your life than just your denial…. I am calling you to build my church.  Are you ready to feed my sheep?  Do you realize that you are more than your screw ups?  Jesus can use your tenderized heart to share His unconditional love with others!

Guided prayer:

Thank you, God, for allowing Peter to be healed of his shame and his guilt.  Thank you for healing me too.  Help me see that you have more for me to do if I will only get up off my duff and follow you!  Let’s go!”