Lewis Center United Methodist Church

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Week of December 9th

Advent is a time of preparation for Christmas.  God prepared for centuries to come to earth to reveal the heights and depths and breadth of God’s grace for all the world.  We have the privilege of living on this side of Christmas.  That means hope, joy, and peace!  Here are several passages pointing to God’s gifts in Christmas.


O God of gracious gifts, open the packages of hope, joy, and peace in my heart this Christmas.  Amen.

Monday – Luke 2:1-7

There is no mention of an innkeeper in the story, but there must have been someone pointing them to the stable.  What more humble surroundings could God have chosen for this miraculous moment?  A teenage girl, a simple carpenter, an unprepared innkeeper, and some rather surprised animals – all played a key part in the story.  If God likes to work this way, how might God work in your world?

Tuesday – Isaiah 9:2-7

The prophet understood the hope of “a light in the darkness.”  He was writing to a people who facing an overwhelming threat in a foreign army.  What is that hope, and how does Isaiah describe it in the birth of a child?  Can this child bring hope today? 

Wednesday – Psalm 119:105-112

What is the source of light in this song?  The writer is not experiencing a perfect world.  There are dangers and threats lurking everywhere, yet the composer of this song sticks to the source of light.  Where would we find this light today?  How can the light of Christmas protect you from lurking dangers?

Thursday – 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

The Apostle Paul faced his share of lurking danger.  What is the source of light for Paul?  What for him is the gospel?  Paul does not make much mention of Jesus’ birth or teachings or miracles.  For Paul it is all about the crucifixion and resurrection.  Christmas matters because it leads to the rugged cross, the empty tomb, and the victorious throne. 

Friday – 1 John 1:5-2:2

The epistle writer also uses the metaphors of light and darkness.  What is the determining test of walking in the light vs walking in darkness?  What is our hope if we find we are walking in darkness?  What is the role of Jesus I this dilemma?  And that is why we have Christmas!

Saturday – 1 John 5:6-13

The same epistle writer comes back to the heart of his message.What is it?How would you summarize it in your own words?And what is the net result for the one who believes?Christmas matters!It mattered in the first century and it matters in the 21st century!How will it matter for you this Christmas?