Day 240 Jesus prays for his Disciples AND US!!! John 17:1-26

Guided reflection:

This is Jesus’ prayer for his Disciples and for us (vs 20).  What does He pray?  That we be safe by the power of God’s name;   That our joy might be full; that we be made God’s own;   THAT WE BE ONE!   That’s the prayer for his disciples and us!  He wants us safe from the evil one, He wants our joy to be full; He wants us to know that we belong to God… AND He wants us to be ONE with each other!   Our unity; our one mindedness, is what Jesus had on his mind on that last night!   Is Jesus prayer being answered in you?   Reread this passage and imagine walking in on Jesus praying about you… feel his prayer for YOU!!!

Guided prayer:

“O God, this scripture seems to say that Jesus was praying not only for his Disciples right there, but for us who would be coming to believe – that is me!  Jesus was praying for me on that last night!  I was on His mind!  My joy, my safety, and my unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ were on Jesus mind!  May Jesus’  prayer be answered in my life.  Amen” 

Day 239 `Victory over the world John 16: 16-38

Guided reflection:

“In a little while, you will not see me anymore.”   John is the Gospel writer that has the feeling and passion around Jesus’ relationship with his disciples.   “What do you mean, a little while?”  Jesus goes on to say that they will weep and cry… but hold on, weeping only lasts for a little while…. Joy is coming on Sunday morning!  Be brave, for I have over come the world.  Sometimes when I read the news or listen to the TV, I wonder, where are you God?   Surely you must be weeping too!

Guided prayer:

‘Help me hold onto these promises that you are greater than this world.  Help me to know that you are my strength.  When I am in a time of sorrow and weeping, help me remember this is not all there is!  You have the last word, and it is one of hope and love and grace!  Amen!”

Day 238 Jesus comforts his Disciples John 16: 4b – 15

Guided reflection:

Sadness has filled the hearts of the disciples as they take in all that Jesus is saying.  They have been with him when he walked on water, when he fed 5000, when he turned water into wine, and now it is going to be over?   What is that about the Holy Spirit that will keep on with the teaching of us?  Can you feel the sorrow and panic in their hearts?  But we know the whole story… we sit on this side of the cross and empty tomb… and yet, do we still long to know the truth… to have the Holy Spirit reveal new things to us?  Are you still open? What new is the Spirit teaching you?

Guided prayer:

            “Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.  Fill me, Mold me, shape me, use me. Amen”

Day 237 Jesus predicts the world’s hatred John 15: 18-16:4

Guided reflection:

Have you ever felt like you do not belong to this world – you think differently than what seems to be the norm?  Well, bravo!  In this passage, Jesus promises us that the world will hate us if we do His will.   We are citizens of heaven, just passing through on this earth… so we are not to think like everyone else.  We are to live on another level.   But we have the Holy Spirit to be with us and in us.  So, don’t be surprised if you don’t fit in!  Jesus was letting go of this world, too!

Guided prayer: (words from a song from my childhood come back to me as our prayer)

This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through/My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue/The angels beckon me from heaven's open door/And I can't feel at home in this world anymore...Amen” 

Day 236 The Vine and Branches John 15: 1-17

Guided reflection:

Remember, Jesus is spending his last times with his disciples.  Every word is important.  This metaphor uses a vine to represent Jesus; the gardener/pruner is God; and we are the branches.  We will die if we do not stay connected to the vine, and we will not be as fruitful as we could be if we do not yield to the pruning!   The goal of our lives is to produce fruit.   Jesus wants our joy, our fruitfulness to be complete.  Bottom line Love God, means you Love Jesus, Love Jesus means you love others; love others means we love God... and the circle continues.   Pay attention – Love one another!  How are you going with that?   What needs to be “pruned” in you to make you more fruitful?

Guided prayer:

“I want to abide in you, O God.  I want to be fruitful for you.  Do what you need to do in me so I can mature and be connected to the source. Show me where my connections are weak.  Amen” 

Day 235 Jesus prays for us John 14: 15-31

Guided reflection:

This is one of the dearest passages in all of scripture. Jesus is explaining how to keep the faith… keep the relationship with him going after he leaves them.  These are his last statements to his beloved ones.  We call this the last supper for a reason…and John lets us in on the conversation,  Enjoy the words… Jesus is giving you instructions on how to make it in this world where we have trouble and fear – but we need to be at peace, because Jesus has overcome the world!    Do not worry or be upset!!  Just do what Jesus told you to do!

Guided prayer:

“Sometimes I am afraid.  Sometimes I am not at peace.   Help me hear the words of Jesus to not be afraid… that Jesus is the overcomer and then so am I!  Thank you for your peace.  Amen”

Day 234 Jesus’ promise about the next life John 14:1-14

Guided reflection:

This passage is a favorite to use at funerals, because we are saying good by to a loved one, just as Jesus was saying good by to his dear Disciples – thus to us!   Now that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, He is actively preparing a place for us… where there is room for us – our coming is anticipated!  Jesus is the way to that next life… and He is not worried about us!   If we believe in Jesus, then we will do even greater works than Jesus did because His spirit is with us, empowering us to be the hands and feet of Christ.  Are you afraid to die?  Do you believe that Jesus is preparing a place for you?

Guided prayer:

“You do not want my heart to be troubled… so I believe in what Jesus said to the disciples.  I trust that a place is prepared for me.  I trust that my coming is anticipated and cherished.  Help my unbelief!  Amen!”

Day 233 The New Commandment John 13: 31-35

Guided reflection:

Jesus wants them to know that He is not going to be with them much longer.  Now they must change their focus from him to each other.  “This is my commandment, that you love one another. As ‘I have loved you, so you must love one another.  If you have love for one another, then I will know you are my disciples.”  Well, dear ones, that is Jesus’ bottom line.  How are you doing at loving others?  Does your servant hood show that you are a disciple?  What can you do right now to be love for others?  Make a ”to do” list!

Guided prayer:

“I have not always loved others as you would have me love.  Forgive me.  But also help me come up with concrete plans to show your love.  Amen”   (OK, what is your plan?)

Day 232 Jesus washes His Disciples’ Feet John 13:P 1-20

Guided reflection:

I wonder why this was not recorded in the other gospels, but John makes sure we get the whole story.   At the Last Supper, no one did the servants job of washing their dusty feet, so Jesus does it!   Jesus uses this act to be an object lesson about servant hood.  Jesus wants us to know that it is when we serve others, we are serving Christ.   Jesus wants them (and us) to know that if we receive Him, we receive God – they are one.   And, Jesus wants us to know that our greatness is correlated to our humbleness in God’s book!

Guided prayer:

“I want to be a servant for Jesus too.  I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  I want to be made clean through Jesus’ words.  Amen.”

Day 231 Judgment by Jesus’ Word John 12: 44-50

Guided reflection:

Now Jesus was speaking to the people of his day who were not listening to him but instead judging him and plotting to kill him, but his words are still for us today!  Do you believe in Jesus – then you believe in God!  If you believe in Jesus, then you have access to light and can get out of darkness!  We do not need to feel shamed or condemned by Jesus, because Jesus did not come to condemn us, but to save us!  In other words, the stories of Jesus you have been reading are not just literature, but are life giving words!  Do you believe?

Guided prayer:

            “I do believe, help my unbelief! Amen”