Lewis Center United Methodist Church

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Day 123 The Lost sheep Matthew 18: 10-14, Luke 15: 3-7

Guided reflection:

Luke 15 is the “lost and found” department of the gospels.  A shepherd has 100 sheep and one gets lost… he searches and searches until he finds it… and when he does, he lays it around his shoulders.  I have heard that it means he broke its little leg so it would need to be held to be healed, and in the healing time it would become so close to the shepherd that it would never run away again.   Have you lost your way… and now you are hurting from the consequences.. could it be that this is the very time you can learn to know the very heart of the Good Shepherd – while exhausted from your wandering away from God.  Do you know that there is a party in heaven when you choose to be found and learn from your wandering ways?  Jesus’ focus is always looking for those of us who are wandering off.  You are the one that moves – not the Good Shepherd!

Guided Prayer:   

“Savior, be like a shepherd to me and lead me. Early, before I get to wandering away, early help me to seek yoru favor and to know your voice.   You have loved me, even when I go astray… and you love me still.  Thanks be to God!  Amen.”