Lewis Center United Methodist Church

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Day 245 The Empty Tomb John 20: 1-23

Guided reflection:

In John’s version of the empty tomb we find Peter being the one to go in… yet Mary Magdalene thinks she sees the gardener but really it is Jesus!  Alive!   Jesus shows up where the disciples are locked in, cowering in fear.  How could they not be?  They saw Jesus dead on the cross!  They knew the determination of the Pharisees to stamp out Jesus believers.  They had pinned all their hopes on Jesus!    And he shows up\..alive…scars and all.  But notice what Jesus tells them: “if you forgive the sins of any they are forgiven..  but .if you do not forgive the sins of any, they are not forgiven.”   Could this be about our need to forgive, because if we do not, we keep carrying it along with us? 

Guider Prayer:

Oh, God, I would have a hard time believing and I know the whole story!   Please open my eyes that I might see glimpses of truth you have for me”.  By the way, help me forgive others so they and I can be free.  Amen.