Lewis Center United Methodist Church

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Day 210 Guarding the Tomb Matthew 27:62-66

Guided reflection:

Even on the Sabbath, the conniving minds of the temple folks wanted to make sure no one would trick people.  They knew that Jesus had predicted his own resurrection.  They did not believe Him, but thought his disciples might try to make it look like a resurrection, so they requested the tomb be sealed.  To this day, many believe that is what happened.   I wonder what went through that guards mind as he guarded that tomb.  What happened in the night?  What did he see?  What was he thinking?  Did he even know he was walking on holy ground?

Guided Prayer:

“Sometimes I try to figure things out and make up my own stories of what happened.  I finally have to give in and just trust your heart.  Help me to believe in miracles… help my unbelief.  Help me to know that you are more powerful than any force trying to resist you.  That gives me peace – thank you!  I stand on tiptoe, breathless… because I know what comes next!!! 
